Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!

So we went to the zoo the other day. Tyson was at Baseball games up in Idaho so he wasn;'t with us. But it was fun. Crowded and blasted hot out, but fun. The only bummer was that the heat caused alot of the animals to be lazy and just lounge around. Thats okay thought.
Really not much to post about the zoo, losts of animals, lots of people, lots of craziness. Lots of pictures:

My Favorite animal:

See the little-er giraffe in the background? It is eating out of that hanging thingy, but Kyndi insisted it was punching the punching bag.

1 comment:

Sam said...

You went to the zoo??! Stef! Why didn't you have me come with you to help? I would have loved that