Thursday, October 21, 2010

Christmas Lists

I had the kids each write up a list of what they want for Christmas. I realize it's not even Halloween yet, but I wanna be able to watch for sales and such - and also have ideas to give other people who want gift ideas for my children. Kyndi is just learning to read and write - so she asked if she could draw pictures of what she wanted - and of course Oaklee wanted to join in the fun. Oaklee brought me her list. I asked her what was on her list: "Just chicken and rocks"
Simple enough!


Erin Macceo said...

Chicken and rocks... how funny. If only Myles list was that easy. He's told me for weeks now that he wants a GREEN race car... I can not find a green race car! Good thing I have a few months still.

Ara said...

I wish I could get lists for people I need to buy for already.