Saturday, October 16, 2010

Middle of October

It is the middle of October.(October 16th to be exact) Keep that in mind. We spent our time on Saturday on a boat in the middle of Utah Lake. It was completely delightful.  The air was a little cool - but nothing beats a day in a boat.
Kamron's work friend had plans to go waterskiing today while his wife was out town - but the friend he was originally going with bailed on him - so he called Kamron to see if he'd be willing to drive the boat for him so he could ski for an hour or so. He also told him he could bring the whole family if he wanted.  So off we went! Morrissa and Kyndi wanted to stay home so I left Jersi with them and we headed out.
Shaun was so great - he not only taught Kamron to drive the boat, but Tyson too - and he let Tate steer it in to shore. Oaklee even took her own turn at the wheel as we were riding up the ramp on the trailer.  Fun day.
(Some of the pictures are on Kam's phone - so I'll get them from him tonight and add them on)

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