Monday, October 4, 2010

Park in the Dark

Kamron and Tyson share the same crowd-anxiety issues. They go with us to the park often but are rarely found in the fountains themselves because there are too many other people there.  Strike that, Kamron many times lately will venture to the edge and dip his feet in, Tyson on the other hand has reached the age of "too coolness" and has never joined us in the fountain. (Yes, I am in the fountain with the kids nearly every time we go) Well Saturday night after making yet another batch of caramel corn (that 4th batch in about a week) (And kamron is nice enough to make it everytime!) we headed to the park around 8:30 to play in the fountains in the dark.  The park was vacated - and this was enough encouragement to get Tyson in the fountains and Kamron was chasing kids through them!   So much fun to watch!  I didn't go in this time, I took pictures instead. Plus the last two times I've been there, Kamron has picked me up and soaked me in the fountains - so I stayed back this time.. 
Here are some rare pics of all of them in the fountain at once:

Let it be noted that everytime I attempted a picture, one of the littles would suddenly run out of the fountains, so blurry as they are, I was lucky to get these ones taken. (and a few of them look like they're missing a body or too, but they are actually behind someone else.)
Here's the big guy playing all by himself:
And here's the Pumpkin Pie who sat and watched from her carseat:

1 comment:

Ara said...

That looks like SO much fun!