Saturday, September 3, 2011

Glass Slipper

We were quite recently in the garage of our residence, Kyndi was showing me all her "tricks" on the 4-wheeler/boat trailer. Her final stunt was a fabulous dismount. She did some wild trick and lept from the trailer to the ground. And then she screamed, picked up her foot, and had blood running all over the place.  What??
Turns out the previous day when I had been gone for a while, the Littles had played in the garage and stumbled upon one of those way cool swirly lightbulbs... which they they proceeded to have a bast breaking all over the ground. Apparently no one was aware that this incident took place so no one cleaned it up.  It was never even discovered until Kynd's fabulous jump landed her right on top to the shattered glass.
She was bleeding like mad! I couldn't tell how big/deep the cuts were nor if glass was still stuck inside her foot, and if so, how far up in her foot?
I carried her to my tub leaving behind quite the blood trail and washed her foot off. Fortunately, the cuts weren't as deep as expected and there were no pieces of glass left in her foot.  After we bandaged it she tried walking on it and seemed to be ok. Good. Disaster averted.  That could've been a total disaster. Note to Self: When Kyndi is about to do a fabulous stunt, check for glass below.
The funny (ish) part to this story is when I was carrying Kyndi and Kamron happened to say "She may need stitches" - in response to that, Kyndi let out the biggest wail/scream/dying noise you've ever heard! It was pretty funny.

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