Friday, September 9, 2011

Jersi's Quirks

When Oaklee was little(r) she had a few quirks... the handles on the dresser had to always be up, they'd be naturally hanging downward and she'd grab them and make them stick upwards... She did this with the handle on her binkie too. When we'd put her to bed with her binkie, she'd always take the handle and turn it upwards.
Dayton had quirks too... Every door had to be shut, always. If someone went into their bedroo and left the door open, he'd shut it. Laundry room door, shut. Kyndi in the bathroom in the dark (using the hall light for light inside the bathroom) door shut (leaving Kyndi in total blackness).  Many times I'd be reaching in the pantry and he'd shut the door right on me! Alot of this door shutting is still a thing for him.
Jersi's quirk is pulling all clean laundry off the love sac.  When I take a load of clean clothes out of the dryer, I put them on the Love Sac in my room.  If Jersi is awake, this gives me 2.7 seconds to get it folded and put away before it ends up strewn all across my bedroom.  She also does this with dresser drawers. She has figured out how to open her dresser drawers and has an overwhelming need to throw all clothing therein onto the floor around her.  AAAHHHH!!! So many (most) days my floor looks like this:
And recently she's taken up the desire to help clean up the mess she's made... so I very often find things inside her dresser such as these:

(along with dirty clothing mixed with clean)

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