Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sometimes Silence is Good

Sometimes Silence from the Littles can be good. Like yesterday, for instance, I went to find them and discovered them playing so cutely together...

However, that was short lived. Later Dayton shoved a stack of paper cups down the toilet, Oaklee wet her pants all over the carpet.. I found Dayton crawling in the fridge ("Jerzille wanted a cheese"). Oaklee had opened all the dog treats and dumped them inside the fence... Dayton is covered in pen ink all over his belly... Oaklee has toothpaste all over her hair...Jersi spilled red punch from my water bottle all over the clean laundry I had just folded... These were all separate instances throughout the day - I'd be cleaning up one disaster only to find another had occurred whilst I was busy...  And to top it all off - Dayton got up from his nap (apparently still sleeping), pulled down his pants and took aim at my garbage can...(at least it's the garbage can and not the dryer or something equally bizarre) Unfortunately for me it hit the end of a pringles can sticking out of the trash and ran and splashed all over the floor and wall and him.
Can I by chance have a better day today please??

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