Friday, September 9, 2011

Who Said Math Isn't Fun?

Kyndi has homework (of course she does).  Part of her homework is Math.  She has to show different ways to add two numbers that will result in a total of 7.  She is expected to write the numbers (___+___=7) and she also has boxes, 2 of them side by said, where she writes this same problem out in dots (I assume to have a more visual representation) So, for example, if she had filled in the blanks to look like this: 1+6=7, then she would draw 1 dot in one bax and 6 in the other (Am I over anyone's head yet??) Kyndi however cannot squelsh the creative genius inside her. Dots?!? How boring!  She opted instead for 1 Octopus and 6 Smiley faces.
(And I so wish this picture wasn't so blurry)
Sadly though, she was informed by her teacher that next time she needs to just use dots. I was impressed by her work. (her other two _+_=7 problems on this page included raindrops and lightning botls and butterflies and hearts)

1 comment:

Sharli said...

What an oppressive teacher!