Every Thursday night was her date night with my dad. On those nights she almost always made grilled cheese sandwiches. Not the typical throw a Kraft Singles between two pieces of bread, no, she used real cheese. A thick-ish slice of cheese. Along with our cheese sandwiches we always got a glass of chocolate milk. We couldn’t eat cheese sandwiches without chocolate milk. The best part about her cheese sandwiches though was that they were always burnt. It was the craziest thing. She’d stand right by them and they’d be totally fine but as soon as she walked away for any reason the smoke would start to fill the air and she’d come running “oh crap oh crap oh crap” Hilarious! There were many times the smoke alarm even went off. (my brother named the fire alarm sound “mom’s cooking chorus”)
My mom always woke up early on weekdays to get us up and she always took the time to cook a hot breakfast. Someone always complained that they didn’t want to eat it, but she didn’t let it get to her and continued to do it for us every morning no matter how many times she warned that she’d never do it again.
On Sundays we’d come home from church at lunch time and we always got to place our toast orders. We’d each get two pieces of toast and we’d get to choose which toppings we wanted on our toast (ie. Cinnamon toast, peanut butter & jelly, peanut butter & honey, butter & honey, butter & jelly) Somedays we’d get creative and request odd things like peanut butter and powdered sugar, and she’d totally comply. Those were good days.
Another thing my mom always did… she always wanted to be as fair to us as possible, and she took this to the extreme – when she gave us m&m’s, she’d divide them up to be certain that each child had equal amounts of each color.
My mom’s so cool I even remember a time on a road trip in the car that she participated in a burping contest with us once!
My mom’s so great. Even now that I’m an adult, I find myself doing quirky little things that remind me of my mother, and I love it. Don’t get me wrong though, there are also times I do things that remind me of her and I cringe, as does everyone at some point in their lives I suppose. I love you mom!
Your mom sounds awesome! I bet you are just as awesome as her.
Stef- It's AnJanette. Your mom told me today that your post made her tear up. You always know that you've done something right if you can make your mom tear up.
She loves you a lot you know.
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