Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cookie Fiesta

Some years we do gingerbread houses - some years gingerbread men - this year we decorated a bunch of cookies. As usual - it was quite fun - but also as usual it was total spectacular messy chaos!! Love it! (Except the clean-up. I hate the clean up)
Tyson breezed in, threw frosting and sprinkles on his cookies and flew back to the tv to watch his football or whatever it was they were watching - or maybe he and his dad were playing Zombies on Wii (their latest addiction)
Dayton globbed a few of his cookies with frosting. Yum.
Oaks had fun, Kyndi far over sprinkled and Tate stayed calm and focused enough to actually finish his this year.  Morrissa and I competed in our cookie designs and wouldn't let eachother see them until they were complete. And Kamron, well, he just ate mine.





Mine and Morrissa's

1 comment:

Ara said...

I thought about doing this with my nieces & nephews this year, but decided it would be WAY too much chaos and clean up & I wasn't sure I'd have the patience for that. You are much better than I, & that's probably why you're married with kids & I'm not. Lol.