Monday, December 27, 2010

Green Man Group

Some time before Christmas, Tate and Kyndi came home from school with free tickets to a UVU basketball game.  None of the girls wanted to go - so they stayed home whilst me and Kam and Tyson, Tate & Dayton went to the game. The tickets are general admission but somehow we were lucky enough to sit on the 2nd row.  Now, at UVU's basketball arena they have this back room type thing that is actually it's own basketball court where all the kids can go play - and that's exactly what Tyson & Tate did for the entire game.  Dayton stayed with us and loved it - his favorite part was the Wolverine Mascot. He watched every move that critter made. At one point the Wolverine came right up to him and gave him a high-five.  To say Dayton was thrilled is an understatement. 
My favorite part of the game was the Cheerleader with a major wedgie - especially when she got lifted up by two of the guy cheerleaders in pyramid fashion - she had an entire bum cheek hanging out folks - it was hilarious!  Kam and I couldn't help but laugh. Poor girl... although I don't know if she even knew as she never did a thing to fix it -- could she not feel a draft of some sort??
Growing up going to BYU sporting events I guess I never realized how reverent BYU games are. Honestly, they aren't reverent at all, but compared to the UVU basketball game (vs Utah State), BYU is severely reverent.  UVU and USU's team fans were so ridiculously rude to eachother (I sorta liked it) One sign a UVU fan held up said: At least our women aren't cows.  See what I mean? (Seriously though - I secretly like that competitive/rude spirit)
Half-time had a Green Man Group.  Much the same as the famous Blue Man Group (if you're not familiar with them, google them and get to a showing of theirs, you will not. regret it.)  This was the marching band and they came out in lime green full body suits - even their faces were covered in this nylons-type get-up. Or maybe it was more like full body, head to toe spandex. It was great - and with the booming of the music and the lighting effects - fabulous! 
UVU lost. Bummer. But it was fun.

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