Sunday, December 5, 2010

Party For 1

Friday nights at our house, the kids get the option of sleeping in the family room and watch tv or a movie... This past friday the kids were all in there (Except Tyson I think, and of course, not Jersi) Anywho - around 11:30 PM there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was Dayton bringing me a diaper cuz he had pooped. I changed him and offered to tuck him in. "No, I ok" He went back down the stairs to the family room, blankie in tow. After a minute or two I thought I better go check on him. Good move on my part. I found him in the kitchen, sitting on the floor with a half eaten piece of pizza and three different sodas (the kids' left overs, I am sure). Hilarious! There he was having a party for one! No wonder he didn't want me to tuck hm in - He was worried I'd crash his party!

1 comment:

cari said...

This sounds just like my Isaac (I think they are around the same age.) hahaha