Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Day!!

What a difference a day makes! We woke up bright and early for school this morning to find that about 12 inches of snow fell over night! Holy Snow batman! Our lawn had 20 inches total! School got cancelled in only our district - the news even mentioned Spanish Fork speecifically.  The kids were thrilled to start their Christmas break a day early - all except Kyndi who cried. They were supposed to be celebrating her birthday in her class today. Sad.  Her teacher called though and said they'd do it the first day back.  Kamron and the kids went out to shovel around 8:30 this morning. It is now almost 10 and they are still out there. I seriously haven't seen this much snow since I was little! I love it! (Just glad I don't hafta drive in it)  Enjoy all the following pictures of our crazy storm.  (PS. Salt lake and Davis county hardly have any snow - how did we luck out?!)

 See it's almost as tall as the Little Lady!!

 This is Kyndi's version of Where's Waldo!
She's standing behind only some of the snow that came off of the driveway!

Dayton took this picture from his upstairs bedroom window

 Look how much snow is on the garbage can - and that's just been since last night!
It's total snowy chaos! I'm lovin it!!  More pictures later of the fun of the day!

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