Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Tale of a Silly Man, An Apple and a Deer

My Kamron is one crazy man.  I don't think he'd disagree.  On the weeks when his work crew is in Wyoming, they very oftenly go to a place where they can view tons of deer.  The deer must be very mild, or perhaps crazy themselves.  They'll just casually walk up to the car and peer in - Enter Exhibit A:

 Now enter Kamron's craziness and you have yourself a wild time... Somehow he got the spectacularly crazy idea to stick an apple in his mouth and hang his head out the window...  What happened next? The deer came right up and ate the apple!!!  See, crazy man and crazy deer!  Sadly this picture doesn't reflect the total absurdity of the situation... the blob on the right is Kam's head... you can't see the apple, but it's there...
Seriously, who does this stuff?

1 comment:

Ara said...

I'd be afraid to do that for fear the deer would bite me, but how cool it would be to be able to do that!