Sunday, December 26, 2010

That's One Way of Doing It!

A few days prior to the Christmas festivities, I told the girls (Oaklee and Kyndi) that they needed to clean their room.  Now let us re-cap for a moment here... Oaklee and Kyndi also share a room with Dayton and if not watched every second of the day he becomes a complete whirlwind of a tornado and has that room from clean to complete shambles faster than you can say Hooga-balooga (yes I've tested this theory) (Okay, not really) Anyways, you get my point - and when I say their room was a disaster, I mean an absolute torrential disaster. Not an inch of the carpet was even visible and you had to wade through piles of stuff just to get anywhere. It makes me abslutely crazy to have their room look this way... Now back to the story at hand:  I was sitting in my room when Oaklee came to me and was all excited to show me what she had done. I followed her to her room and found it looking like this:
 Now granted it isn't perfect - but look I can see carpet!! And lots of it! And she did it all herself. I was so proud.  Then she showed me this:
Ha! I about doubled over in laughter! She had shoved every last thing in her closet - it was almost flying back out at me! Hilarious!

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