Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poor Pyper

Do you all remember my mother's day gift from a 2009? I got a bird. (Yes, in addition to my plethora of kidlets, and two dogs, we somehow needed a bird too) Well I'll get right to the point. that bird, Pyper, is no longer with us. We came back from Vegas to find it dead. I feel so bad for her too cuz I think we accidentally froze her to death. When we left I made sure she had plenty of food and water, but then without thinking about it, we turned off the heat to save $$$ while we were away. Duh. What a dumb move. (Besides the coldness killing my bird - it apparently also froze a pipe which caused my scrapbook room to flood) (note to self: Leave the heat on, it's worth the $$)

Sidenote to my family: How ironic is it that with the family history of dead birds in the freezer, I accidentally froze mine to death??

1 comment:

Jonan said...

That is hilarious! That's one of those things the grown children keep reminding the parents of some dumb pareting thing they did...