Thursday, August 9, 2012

Kindergarten and Tears

We went to register all the Littles (and Morrissa) - what an adventurous day! Oaklee was given the standard kindergarten assessment test and then given a packet of fun stuff. Dayton cried. "That's not fair!"  He's having a real rough time understanding why she's going to school and he isn't.  In his mind they are the same age.  Tate and Kyndi got their teacher assignments - Kyndi with Mrs. Palmer and Tate is in a team-teacher class (He's in the 6th grade, holy smokes!!) I cannot think of what his teachers' names are... hmmm.  I'll get back to you on that...

Fast forward a few days - We had to drop off Oaklee's vaccination records to the school. It was just her and me.  While there we not only learned that she gets to be in all day kindergarten (WooHoo!!!) but she also met her teacher and saw her classroom.  As we walked back up the hall towards the exit, Oaklee burst into tears.  "I don't want to go to school all by myself!" Oh what a sweetheart!

I am thrilled with her having all day kindergarten, she gets to go to and from with Tate and Kyndi...she can eat breakfast at the school with the kiddos...and she gets to have lunch there too!!! And it benefits me in terms of having a babysitter while I'm doing my therapy internship - now only two need to see a babysitter.

I am sure that the day kindergarten starts there will be a few more tears...Oaklee's, Dayton's, and probably mine.

1 comment:

Sharli said...

Oh I'm sad she has to go all by herself.

Just fyi, you wrote all day preschool.