Friday, May 28, 2010

Who's on 1st, What's on 2nd, I Don't Know's on 3rd...

So last night for family game night – we played “guess the Baby’s name”… (I decided I am no good at keeping secrets such as this – I keep almost totally blowing it – so I decided a game would be fun to reveal the name to the kids…)
This is how the game worked: Each person in our house (including Kimmi – who moved in yesterday – more on that later…) …each person in our house had a paper placed on their back with either one of the letters from the baby’s name, or a smiley face… (with one exception…one person had a random letter placed on their back that had nothing to do with her name at all…) (No worries, the kids were well informed that one of the letters was random…)

So…With letters on everyone’s backs (Oaklee and Dayton of course insisted on playing too…) they all wrote down the letters – the only catch was – they were not allowed to know what letter (or if in fact a smiley face) was on their own back…
They set to work trying to unscramble the letters they knew… they substituted letters in (guessing that perhaps that may be the letter on their own back…) and they subtracted letters (trying to guess which letter was the secret ‘throw-off’ letter.)
Is everyone following this game so far? It really was far simpler to follow whilst actually playing it… They came up with all sorts of random and hilarious names – and actually thought I would name a child that random word – HILARIOUS!

So – the letters that were randomly placed on each person’s back were: J, P, R, I E, S. Anyone have any ideas?? Remember one letter does not really belong…

Tyson and Morrissa were constantly showing me their papers in the hopes they had finally gotten it right. Kyndi can’t read yet so she just kept randomly scrambling the letters. Both Tate and Kimmi sat and did a lot of pondering… I knew they’d never get it – I had added too much trickery – I was all prepared to give clues when suddenly Tate showed me his paper – where clearly in his handwriting it spelled:

He got it right! That is her name. Jersi. I am completely in love with the name!! (Sharli by the way has loved this name since she was like 12 – which I was unaware of previously… sorry Sharli).
Tate wins a treat for guessing right (he had only written down 4 guesses total- pretty good guesser)
Tyson and Kimmi came somewhat close with Jirpsy (Tyson) and Jerpsey (Kimmi). Morrissa had the most hilarious guesses of Jipsy and Jesipee – hilarious! Also Tyson had Jirsper on his list – Kyndi had Jisear… The whole game was cracking me up, I am sad it ended so quickly.
Anywho – the cat is now out of the bag – Her name is Jersi (but her middle name will remain a secret)


Erin Macceo said...

I absolutely LOVE this name! And what a cute way to tell the kids! Congrats again!!!

Kris said...

I love that name, and it's totally you in having creative names for your kids that no one else will! Hang in there, the nervous breakdown will be over before you know it!

Ara said...

That is a WAY cute name! I LOVE it!

Kelly and Family said...

Sweet name! I like that you did not make us wait to find out what it would be!

Natalie said...

You and your names! I remember the 20 mile long list you had in your room. :) You crack me up with the games your family plays. I think I've lived in the country too long, when I read her name I think cows. Congrats on the new one!