(This is actually proving tricky for me since most people that read my blog know me pretty well...)
1. When I was in the 11th grade I was failing my
English class (because I always refuse to do my
homework) - I went in to talk to my teacher
and he told me that since I was in the Show
Choir, if I'd sing a song for him he'd give me an
'A'. He figured he was pretty safe since I was so
shy in his class. My fear of singing for him was
lost behind the fear of failing so I did it. I sang
some song and yes, I got an 'A'
2. I one time ate an ant. Just for fun. I wasn't dared or anything. Kamron and I were walking to the park with the kids, there were a ton of ants, I picked one up and ate it.
3. I never once sluffed a class at school. I didn't dare.
4. My dream car is a mini van. Except my kids no longer all fit, I've gotta get something bigger.
5. I auditioned for American Idol in Seattle in 2006. It was the best thing I've ever done. I had to sing a cappella in front of 18,000 people. What an adrenaline rush!
6. If something has the potential of flying or swimming I don't eat it. (this includes eggs) I never liked seafood - and then I was once eating breakfast with my friend Jadee, which included eggs, and her grandpa said something about having a baby bird swimming around in my mouth. That was the end of my egg consumption. And I think the fact that there was a dead parakeet in my freezer for like 3 years (I swear it was at least that long) when I was a kid, kinda did it for me eating any kind of bird.
7. Growing up I always wanted 16 kids. I'm not even kidding. Perhaps that's why I still want two more - cuz at 8 I'm at least half way to 16 right? My name preferences have changed though cuz two of my favorite names used to be Anastasia and Fantasia. (Okay I was like 10 at the time)
Done. Now I tag the only people that I have access to their blogs and since Crystal and Rachel were already tagged we'll go with: Samantha, Jonathan & Jen (yes, both of you), Cari, Shani and since thats only 5, mom, I'm tagging you too - just email me yours -k-?