Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dang it!

Rachel tagged me so here it goes...

(This is actually proving tricky for me since most people that read my blog know me pretty well...)

1. When I was in the 11th grade I was failing my
English class (because I always refuse to do my
homework) - I went in to talk to my teacher
and he told me that since I was in the Show
Choir, if I'd sing a song for him he'd give me an
'A'. He figured he was pretty safe since I was so
shy in his class. My fear of singing for him was
lost behind the fear of failing so I did it. I sang
some song and yes, I got an 'A'
2. I one time ate an ant. Just for fun. I wasn't dared or anything. Kamron and I were walking to the park with the kids, there were a ton of ants, I picked one up and ate it.

3. I never once sluffed a class at school. I didn't dare.

4. My dream car is a mini van. Except my kids no longer all fit, I've gotta get something bigger.

5. I auditioned for American Idol in Seattle in 2006. It was the best thing I've ever done. I had to sing a cappella in front of 18,000 people. What an adrenaline rush!

6. If something has the potential of flying or swimming I don't eat it. (this includes eggs) I never liked seafood - and then I was once eating breakfast with my friend Jadee, which included eggs, and her grandpa said something about having a baby bird swimming around in my mouth. That was the end of my egg consumption. And I think the fact that there was a dead parakeet in my freezer for like 3 years (I swear it was at least that long) when I was a kid, kinda did it for me eating any kind of bird.

7. Growing up I always wanted 16 kids. I'm not even kidding. Perhaps that's why I still want two more - cuz at 8 I'm at least half way to 16 right? My name preferences have changed though cuz two of my favorite names used to be Anastasia and Fantasia. (Okay I was like 10 at the time)

Done. Now I tag the only people that I have access to their blogs and since Crystal and Rachel were already tagged we'll go with: Samantha, Jonathan & Jen (yes, both of you), Cari, Shani and since thats only 5, mom, I'm tagging you too - just email me yours -k-?


Rachel Banks said...

An ant? Why? That is so weird. But I do remember when you lived here, you picked up those awful brown spiders in your garage. I still can't get over that. And also, a dead parakeet in your freezer? I'm glad I tagged you because learning all that-totally worth it!

Anonymous said...

Who was your English teacher? Lol.

Kris said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!! Long time no hear or see long lost childhood BFF! I just happened to be messing around on blogs and found yours on Brookeh's! Holy cow, where have I been 6 KIDS????? Sheesh and I have a furry two year old that's a handful!!! Check out my blog at tinwee.blogspot.com wow, you have been up to tons of stuff! I run into Jadee every once in a while at PCMC or young adult things and we catch up on "the group" from young women. e-mail me too! at kjwilley79@msn.com. I would honestly love to hear from you!