Friday, October 17, 2008

Where are their mothers??

So we have these little neighbor boys that come over everyday to play. There's a 6 year old a 5 year old and a 4 year old. They come over to play with any of my kids that are available.

Today those three boys and Tate were in the backyard jumping on the trampoline. I can hear laughter and occasional arguing and various forms of game playing that little boys do. Soon they start saying "liar liar pants on fire" and then someone else jumps in and says "liar liar you're stupid" then, "liar liar you're an idiot" I'm thinking to myself "wow, these kids don't have very nice mouths and it's getting worse by the second" And then it happens: "Liar liar you're a #@! hole!" What? Did I just hear that? Um who lets their children talk like this? And should I really be letting my kids play with them??? That makes me more than a little nervous. Where are their mothers? And as the mother at this house how exactly do I handle such a situation? I'm just thankful that none of those "liar liar" lines came out of Tate's mouth. Wow.

1 comment:

cari said...

Oh my gosh! we have boys like that in our neighborhood too! Although they taught my boys the 'F' word. I can't believe parents let their children say these things!