Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty

Every other sunday, Tate and Kyndi get to spend time at gramma and grampa's house (the other kids are so jealous)
This past visit, Gramma and Kyndi got beautified by Kyndi's incredible make-up artist techniques...
First Kyndi did her own make up and then offered to do gramma's. (gramma did Kyndi's hair)
The first picture doesn't do it justice - she has purple eyeshadow clear up to her eyebrows...
As she was doing my mom's make-up she apparently got slightly out of control and decided to make her into a clown. Hence no picture of gramma's finished makeup. What a good sport gramma is! (Take note in the 3rd picture, Kyndi's hand resting on top of my mom's. This is my mom's favorite thing in these pictures. So cute)
And... I mentioned in a previous post that Tate has been staying up in Davis County with his dad... Whilst there, Sharli took him on a date - here is a picture of that event...

1 comment:

Sharli said...

On said date, some man thought I was his mother...