Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just Another Day at the Park

There's a new massive-ish park in Spanish Fork. They started it forever ago and it was supposed to be done by the beginning of June. Wrong-o. Just ask Kyndi - it took them forever! As we drove past it everyday she'd freak out that it wasn't done yet. They finally had a grand opening Aug. 28th We avoided it like the plague - WAY too crowded. So we waited until the following monday and took The littles and Kyndi and Jersi... This park is pretty cool...it's got a water fountain feature thingy on one side and a big ol' playground on the other. The kids opted for the water side... Oaks and Kyndi ran right in.
Dayton was another story. He'd run full speed right up to the water and then turn and run full speed back to me. ..numerous times. He finally git brave enough to stick his bum really close to the water...not in it, just close to it.
The next day we went to the playground side. We quickly learned that this sdie is more for older kids than for younger. Kyndi tried a spinny-seat-thing and she flew right off, screaming, into the woodchips. I put all three kids (Kyndi, Oaks and Dayton) on swings and as they were swinging along, Dayton decided he was done and just let go. Result: a faceplant into the woodchips below - causing mini scratches all over his face. We quickly decided against further injuries and opted to go over to the water fountains again. (But Oaklee did enjoy these funky swings they have there)
Back at the fountains - this time Dayton had no fear.

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