Friday, October 10, 2008


This is Dayton Talmage. He was born July 10 (2008) (He's 3 months old) He's my little medical baby... He was born 4 weeks early and had to spend a week in the NICU so his lungs could finish developing. He has since been diagnosed as lactose intolerant - he spent a week in the hospital for pneumonia last month and now he has thrush. Poor little guy. But he's pretty stinkin cute. (and such a good baby) (the fact that Oaklee and Dayton are only 14 months apart was not exactly planned...)


Rachel Banks said...

Oh wow! You are one busy woman! I was glad Crystal sent me a link to your blog. It is good to hear that things are going well with you...and oh yeah, go utes!!!

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely adorable!!!